Touch Artist

Lisa Schittulli

Pastoral Comedy #1, 2020 // linocut // 18cm x 25cm

Lisa Schittulli (1990) is a french visual artist,. Her practice revolves mainly around drawing, printmaking, but also video and costume making. Lisa Schittulli wonders about the significance of images, considers their power to act, and their ability to provoke reality. Her world summons striking spirits, is filled with burlesque, irreverent, caricatural figures that echo the characters myths found in different civilizations: buffoons, tricksters, witches... Animals and plants are also present. In this multitude of incongruous beings, Lisa Schittulli tends to picture herself in the skin of different characters, thus parasitizing her own works by her sometimes unexpected presence.


Pastoral Comedy #2, 2020 // linocut // 18cm x 25cm

Pastoral Comedy #3, 2020 // linocut // 18cm x 25cm